Besides Vite plugin and VSCode extension, Vine also provides some other libraries that you might need.
ESLint config
Since we defined a new syntax for .vine.ts
, i.e. the tagged template string as Vue template, we need a custom ESLint parser make ESLint work. if you're curious about the internal implementation, you can check out the source code. In a shortnut, it will replace the ESTree node of tagged template string with a Vue template root node.
We indeed provide a ESLint config for Vue Vine now, and it's supposed to work with most popular rule presets like @antfu/eslint-config
, @sxzz/eslint-config
, etc.
But style rules are not fully supported yet, we will continue to make it better.
To configure the custom parser, run the following command to install the package:
pnpm i -D @vue-vine/eslint-config
Then, add the following configuration to your eslint.config.mjs
import antfu from '@antfu/eslint-config'
// `VueVine()` returns a ESLint flat config
import VueVine from '@vue-vine/eslint-config'
export default antfu(
// First option is not Linter.FlatConfig,
// it's a setting for antfu's config itself
TypeScript checker in command line
As we know that Vue provided vue-tsc
to run TypeScript check for .vue
files, in order to support Vine, we also provide a similar command vue-vine-tsc
to check .vine.ts
To be noticed: vue-vine-tsc
is compatible with vue-tsc
, so you can also use it to check .vue
To install the package, run the following command:
pnpm i -D vue-vine-tsc
Then, you may replace the vue-tsc -b && ...
command in "build"
script of package.json
"scripts": {
- "build": "vue-tsc -b && vite build",
+ "build": "vue-vine-tsc -b && vite build",
Project starter template
You're able to progressively integrate Vue Vine in existing Vue 3 projects, but if you want to start a new project, abandon SFC and just using Vue Vine, we provide a project starter template for you.
(Optional) Install the CLI globally:
pnpm i -g create-vue-vine
Then, run the following command to create a new project:
# If you didn't install the CLI globally
pnpx create-vue-vine my-vine-project
# If you installed the CLI globally
create-vue-vine my-vine-project
You may seen the following output:
> pnpx create-vue-vine my-vine-project
┌ Vue Vine - Another style of writing Vue components
◇ Use Vue Router?
│ Yes
◇ Use Pinia as state management?
│ Yes
◇ Use Tailwind CSS?
│ Yes
◇ Install all dependencies for the project now?
│ Yes
◇ Project created at: /path/to/my-vine-project
◇ Dependencies installed!
└ You're all set! Now run:
cd my-vine-project
pnpm dev
Happy hacking!
Common issues
Conflict with UnoCSS Attribute Mode
Because Vue Vine's template type checking enabled the strict mode of Vue language tools, so it is not allowed to use arbitrary attributes on the HTML tags in the template. This will affect the scenario of using UnoCSS Attribute Mode. To solve this problem, please add a shims.d.ts
file to the project tsconfig.json
(the include
option) and write the following content:
declare module 'vue' {
interface HTMLAttributes {
[key: string]: any
export {}